Jet refueling at KSBA / SBA / Santa Barbara Municipal in Santa Barbara, United States. EVO Fuels contracts directly with primary jet A fuel suppliers and into plane providers at KSBA airport to ensure you receive the best jet fuel price on every uplift.
Into Plane or Primary Fuel Suppliers:
SIGNATURE FLIGHT, ATLANTIC AVIATIONKSBA, Santa Barbara Municipal Airport is a city-owned airport located seven miles to the west of Santa Barbara, California, USA. The airport keeps its tower open 6:00 - 23:00LT, has two full service FBOs, and operates 3 runways: 7/25 which is 6,052 feet long; 15/33R which is 4,179 feet long; and 15/33L which is 4,183 feet long. Log onto the EVO Fuel Web for a current KSBA jet A fuel price and instant fuel release on your next business or private jet visit to Santa Barbara.