Jet refueling at KCRG / CRG / Jacksonville Executive At Craig Airport in Jacksonville Florida. EVO Jet contracts directly with primary Jet A Fuel suppliers and into plane providers to ensure you receive the best jet fuel price at KCRG on every uplift.
Into Plane or Primary Fuel Suppliers:
SKY HARBOR AVIATION, CRAIG AIR CENTER KCRG, Jacksonville Executive At Craig Airport is located 8 miles to the east of downtown Jacksonville Florida. KCRG operates Mon to Fri 0600-2300LT and Sat-Sun 0600-2200LT. The airport has 2 paved runways: 5/23 which is 4,004 feet long, and 14/32 which is 3,998 feet long. Log onto the EVO Fuel Web to view current KCRG Jet A fuel prices and request a fuel release on your next private or business jet visit to Jacksonville.